Saturday, October 01, 2005

Delphi is definetly Mediterranean :-)

Well.. time has passed since my last post... and many thinks happened. First of all Delphi 2005 is approaching to starting to be a usable IDE. The latest "unofficial" patches by Allen Bauer made this happen. Also a Delphi roadmap has been annouced. Good !. 64Bit Compiler, Unicode VCL, Quality and performance, Great. DeXter (Next delphi Version) is appearing at the horizon.You may find a good compilation of all this here.
At his latest post Allen, explained something about Delphi Passion, and I rather think he is quite right ! At least from my part. Some days It makes me feel proud, some days it makes me angry (when it hangs), and when I see those "crab" programs coded with VB.. it makes me feel at the top of the hill... for me thats passion... so that's why Delphi is definetly Mediterranean :-).

Well. From my part I must apologize for my long absence here at my blog, but you know, I lost some motivation during this last months to write any entry here. Now with all forthcommings, and future plans, I am starting to feel more vitalized.
I have some plans to publish here, some of my components I have developed during these last years that I haven't uploaded at my habitual favorite Delphi Site at Torry.
Happy Coding to everyone.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are blogging again :) So any interesting project in mind? If you can read Chinese, this blog is a must read.

Albert Research said...

Thank you william for your comment... I am sorry but I can't read Chinese.. I just visited the Blog... and uauuu !! There are some Nice DeXter ScreenShots... Thank you william.. Interesting project... well.. nothing special... At this moment I am thinking about to republish some of my comps here and at torry's... There are several thinks on my mind.. but the fact is that I haven't got the time... as problably the 99% of people like me.. :-)