Friday, July 29, 2005

Between begin...end;

Ohhh god... at 28/04/2005 was my last post in my blog... how fast time passes... Well at the meantime I have been, of course, coding with Delphi ... er.. mmm SEVEN :-).. I start smoking again (sorry gloria.. :-) i could not resist to smoke again..) but only 3 or 4 cigs a day (compared with my 2 packages a day this is nothing) and work, work, work... well nothing exciting.
I want a Change.. since year 2000 nothing but problems came into my horizon so... 2006 will be the beginning of the light... Windows Vista, Delphi 2006 (pls bland... make it 2006 not 2,06 :-) ) and more to come... so...

procedure TForm1.ARButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
V_Date : TDateTime;
V_End_of_Year : TDateTime;
V_Remaing_Days_For_My_Beer_Party : Integer;

V_Date := Now;
V_End_of_Year := EndOfTheYear(V_Date);
V_Remaing_Days_For_My_Beer_Party := DaysBetween(V_Date,V_End_of_Year);
ShowMessage(Format('There are %d remaining Days for my Beer Party',[V_Remaing_Days_For_My_Beer_Party]));

Have a great day all of you...

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